Back Sustainability / Ethics & Compliance To set out the guidelines to be followed so that our activity is in accordance with the highest standards of ethical conduct. We have a regulatory framework that includes policies and procedures that set the guidelines to follow so that our activity is in accordance with the highest standards of ethical conduct. Standards that go beyond what is legally established, and that are part of our culture of compliance, promoted from the top of our Organization. The performance and commitment of all Técnicas Reunidas employees is the engine to create a true culture of compliance. Juan Lladó Executive chairperson of Técnicas Reunidas Compliance Management System TR has set out a battery of measures, policies and instructions, interconnected among them and aimed to detect and prevent any possible commission of irregularities. Especially those of a criminal nature, and likely to be committed within the Organization, as a result of the daily development of its activities. The Crime Prevention Policy is one of the principal elements that make up the Compliance Management System as one of its fundamental pillars. This policy defines the Organization’s framework for action in matters of criminal compliance. CRIME PREVENTION POLICY AENOR UNE 19601 CERTIFICATE ON MANAGEMENT SYSTEM FOR CRIMINAL COMPLIANCE Code of conduct Our commitment to the highest standards of ethical conduct is reflected in our Code of Conduct, which establishes the principles and values that our employees must observe at all times to act with integrity, professionalism and respect for legislation, Human Rights and internationally accepted practices. The Code of Conduct establishes general guidelines of conduct that guide us in our way of acting since it cannot contemplate all the situations and circumstances that our professionals encounter. CODE OF CONDUCT Code of conduct (video) Supply Chain Ethics Code Our Supply Chain Ethics Code describes the guidelines of conduct that are expected to be observed by third parties with whom we interact in matters such as safety, health and the environment, Human Rights and workers’ rights, free competition, conflicts of interests, corruption, fraud, information confidentiality and compliance with the legislation. This Code promotes our values and extends and maintains our culture of compliance throughout our supply chain. Supply Chain Ethics Code Supply chain ethics code (video) Zero tolerance against corruption Prevention of Corruption Firmly committed to the strict compliance with the prevention of rules and the fight against corruption, we reject any kind of action contravening the established in the international regulations for the prevention of corruption, the principles under the Code of Conduct and our Anticorruption Policy and extend this commitment not only to all the employees and activities of the related companies, direct or indirectly, by Tecnicas Reunidas, but also to the third parties with whom we work. With the aim to prevent the corruption, TR is committed to carry out all of the activities, always bearing in mind the Zero Tolerance principle and, before any corrupt practice, the legislation in force in all of the countries where TR operates. ANTICORRUPTION POLICY Respect for Human Rights and Workers' Rights We are firmly committed to respect Human Rights and we carry out our activities in accordance with the values and principles contained in the United Nations Global Compact, to which we adhere as one of our Corporate Social Responsibility initiatives. We do not accept any discrimination in the workplace or professional for reasons of age, race, color, sex, religion, political opinion, nationality, social origin, disability, sexual orientation or any other circumstance likely to generate discrimination. We are committed to respecting the rights of workers and we express our total rejection of child labor, forced or compulsory labor, as well as any form of labor exploitation. Human rights policy Internal Reporting Channel The Internal Reporting Channel is the channel that Técnicas Reunidas has set up, in compliance with legislation on whistleblower protection and the use of information/communication channels (Whistleblower Channel), through which alleged infractions (active or omissive behavior) occurring in a labor and/or professional context can be reported in good faith. The aforementioned Whistleblower Channel provides a safe and confidential place for our employees or third parties to notify us of potential breaches or irregularities within the company or in its scope of action, or they may suppose or have well-founded suspicions of infractions of the law and other internal or external regulations to which we are subject. The reception and management of the communications received through this Whistleblower Channel will be the responsibility of the Internal Reporting Channel Committee, as established in our Internal Reporting Channel Policy Whistleblower Channel Internal Reporting Channel Policy